Cities and municipalities are key partners for implementing an energy strategy
The decisive role played by cities and municipalities in implementing a successful energy strategy and containing climate change is becoming more and more evident. Cities and municipalities are vital stakeholders if we want to ensure a sustainable energy future, and the multiple roles they play offer them wide scope for action, which should be utilised optimally and efficiently.
With our long years of experience in municipal energy consultancy, we support and advise municipalities, cities and regions on their path towards greater climate protection, energy efficiency, renewable energies and sustainability. As part of developing energy plans and strategies we help municipalities and regions identify their optimal scope of action, and we integrate energy suppliers and other relevant players in the process. We use participative processes to develop goals for energy policy and specific measures for how to achieve them. We ensure that both goals and measures match the individual scope for action available to therespective city, municipality or region and are aligned with their energy policy priorities. Our extensive range of competencies and experience allows us to support local authorities on theirpath towards a sustainable energy future.
Our services regarding smart municipal energy consultancy include:
- Development of energy plans and strategies
- Energy planning to coordinate the supply and consumption of energy
- Energy and CO2 accounting
- Energy accounting for municipal buildings
- Communications
- Access to funding programmes
- Participative approaches to promoting renewable energy